CodyCross Impressionism Pack answers
Here are the answers to CodyCross Impressionism Pack. If you need help with any specific puzzle leave your comment below.
AdventurePuzzle 1
Twenty-three __ or turned away.
The House of the __ Man, by Cézanne.
Cured sausage popular among peasants.
Crown of __, twisted for Jesus' crucifixion.
Puzzle 2
First Middle East country to host a Grand Prix.
Law legalizing black segregation in US.
Umbrella-like object held by woman in Monet work.
Hole in a ship for water to escape.
In Greek myth, early metallurgists.
Describes a woman who is curvy.
Puzzle 3
Site of India's Golden Temple.
Swedish term for touring dance musicians.
Aix-en-__, French area favored by impressionists.
Darren __, Norwich and Man City footballer.
__ Hollande, president of France, 2012-2017.
Eliseu __, Italian-Brazilian impressionist painter.
Puzzle 4
Red brick, building material of NW Norfolk.
Whales, dolphins, and porpoises.
Orchestra __, painted by Edgar Degas.
Supports for a bound publication in the kitchen.
This will cost players $100 in Monopoly.
Ice-skating revolution named after a desert animal.
Puzzle 5
Whey fermented milk CA leave you drunk.
Fling, romance: can be illicit.
Country where impressionism started out.
Feels like you've been here before.
Circular part of a ski pole near the base.
Puzzle 6
The __; 2000 film about a serial killing stalker.
This Lemaitre theory was a blast.
North-east Indian state whose capital is Aizawl.
Paul __, French painter of Boy in a Red Waistcoat.
Ben Franklin published 13 of these.
The __, Rodin nude man, deep in thought.
Botanical, white-flowered plant; added to gin.
They are better to hear you with.
Puzzle 7
African country led by Idi Amin.
Pier in __, by Russian painter Korovin.
Poplar trees that famously rustle in the breeze.
Some attractions at Animal Kingdom are based on this movie.
Persian King who made his soldiers eat watercress.
Best Film Oscar, directed by a woman, The Hurt __.
Water __, plant favored by Monet.
Loosefitting, gathered soft headwear for maids.
The shot one gets in Circle, Circle, Dot, Dot.
Puzzle 8
__ lenses, curved polished glass for vision.
Started by a common progenitor.
Aerofoil for controlling lift and drag.
Sidecar with gin aka White Lady.
What a fighter might be saved by.
Uncontrollable contractions in the chest.
Canvas sun tops on frames for cruiser boats.
In contrast to impressionism, showing actuality.
Impression, __, day awakening work by Monet.
Puzzle 9
People who fiddle and spin their thumbs.
Don't fight it, this holiday is December 26th.
Dandy, mustachioed Peter Wyngarde starred.
Period of British history from 1901 to 1910.
Music in the __, Louvre gardens painting by Manet.
Where one is driven when irritated.
Theater workers who feed lines to actors.
Half man, half horse constellation.
Arguably the first literary hero.
Puzzle 10
Piet __, Dutch painter known for color blocks.
__ Serov, artist son of composer Alexander.
What one is doing when joshing.
Donald Campbell's world-beating car and boat.
Specific type of rowing with two oars each.
Puzzle 11
What one is high on when living in luxury.
Obsessed with death and darkness.
Jean __, Paris nightlife French painter, born 1849.
Diego __, Mexican painter married to Frida Kahlo.
Red Riding Hood's savior, in Germany.
European country with largest Jewish population.
Hellos and goodbyes in Hawaii.
Puzzle 12
Old land measure, amount tilled by 2 oxen a season.
Henri de Toulouse-__, post-impressionist.
__ and spills, excitement and exhilaration.
In N.E. China, one of five national central cities.
Henning __, Swedish writer, creator of Wallander.
Puzzle 13
Giving back, anagram of quartile.
Johan __, Dutch artist, precursor to impressionism.
__ Wars, 18th-c. India conflicts spelt with a C.
Lake __, another name for the Sea of Galilee.
Bandleader Glenn Miller's instrument.
James Bond actor who died in 2017, __ Moore.
Expression of discontent; muttering under breath.
__ Robinson, US landscape impressionist.
Puzzle 14
To kneel in respect of a religious person/monarch.
Society of Anonymous Painters, __, and Printers.
The __, rainy day Renoir painting.
Country where the Mount Napier volcano is found.
Puzzle 15
Michael __, Aurelio Zen inventor.
That's What Friends __; 1986 Dionne Warwick hit.
This amphibian is not trash, __ frog.
Whisky __, film set on fictional island of Todday.
Georges __, post-impressionist pointillism painter.
__ the Sail, painting by Joaquín Sorolla.
Puzzle 16
One who is clumsy is all these digits.
Sesame Street's gruff grocer, Mr. __.
Throwback board game, Rock ‘em Sock ‘em __.
Fried or baked Indian pastry with a spicy filling.
The __ in the Rain, by Childe Hassam.
__ Guillaumin, French artist-lithographer.
Puzzle 17
The dad of the The Invisible Man.
__ Theatre, Prague opera house from Amadeus film.
Austrian ski resort in the Arlberg region.
Puzzle 18
Greek word for science of ecology.
Medieval pudding of boiled, cracked wheat.
People facing a common challenge are all in the __.
Avenue of __ Trees Near La Celle-Saint-Cloud.
__ Truffaut, French director of Jules et Jim.
Ebony __; perfect harmony hit in 1982.
Puzzle 19
Hardy; resistant to changing circumstances.
Buildings for art exhibitions.