CodyCross Made of Wood Pack answers
Made of Wood
Here are the answers to CodyCross Made of Wood Pack. If you need help with any specific puzzle leave your comment below.
AdventurePuzzle 1
Percussion instrument with wooden block bars.
Food not containing milk, cream, cheese, etc.
Plant buddleias to attract this adult caterpillar.
Mistaken people are barking up this, the __.
Retro wooden platform for riding ocean waves.
Puzzle 2
Full of people gathered together.
Sweet or salty snack to eat at the movies.
Surname of acting brothers Alec, Stephen and Billy.
Traveler who's off to see the sights.
Dangerous disease spread by mosquitos.
Puzzle 3
Crunchy cylinder-shaped salad veggie.
Singer who starred in remake of A Star Is Born.
The Lion, the Witch and the __, wooden cabinet.
When a bird starts emerging from an egg.
Fizzing, soapy shape for the tub.
Additional costs for a work trip, e.g. travel.
Puzzle 4
Number of days in the month of June.
Simple geometric shape with four equal sides.
Pirates of the Caribbean star Depp.
Caffeinated drink made from beans.
Someone who certifies legal documents as authentic.
Chess piece that can only move diagonally.
Stationery items for drawing straight lines.
Friends chef, lived with Rachel, married Chandler.
Computer messages that replaced letter writing.
Puzzle 5
The gummiest, the thing that's the most glue-like.
Gepetto's wooden puppet that became a real boy.
German composer or giant Saint Bernard in movie.
Pair who perform on stage together.
Mountain range that includes Everest.
The seasonal movement of animals.
Branch of science dealing with celestial objects.
The female equivalent of the name Joseph.
Puzzle 6
Van Gogh and Picasso were known for doing this.
Viking seafaring vessel made of wood.
Animal with antlers that pulls Santa's sleigh.
Old-style walking aids for broken legs.
Amusement park with tropical fish.
Computer part with numbers and letters.
Puzzle 7
Places where people work at desks.
Sport played on a green table with wooden cues.
Moving along on spinning wheels.
Personal __, one-to-one gym instructor.
Sean, the first actor to play James Bond on film.
Country where you can visit Neuschwanstein Castle.
Wool fabric used to make shirts.
Overrated, promoted to the extreme.
A strong metal named this early era.
Shakespeare play famous for its Three Witches.
Puzzle 8
Artists' wooden frames for holding paintings.
Cylindrical glass container used in laboratories.
Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian, for example.
Hot beverage, e.g. Americano, latte, or espresso.
A small portable computer, like an iPad.
The Queen of __ shouted, "Off with her head!".
From the cat family, to do with cats.
Puzzle 9
Three-wheeled vehicle little kids learn to ride on.
Drink made of blended fruits, veggies.
Simple slingshot, often made from a branch or twig.
Chinese practice of balancing energy in buildings.
Structure for stunts in skiing and snowboarding.
Wooden railing next to a staircase.
Puzzle 10
A must-have spice in pumpkin pie.
Individual sections of a wooden fence.
Season that brings new shoots and baby lambs.
Strong; characteristic of a bodybuilder.
A study, a workplace; an anagram of fife co.
Unlawfully take control of an aircraft.
Crowns worn by princesses and toddlers.
Burial casket, often made of mahogany.
__ repair, too badly damaged to be fixed.
Puzzle 11
FIne wood shavings used as animal bedding.
Used for heating and crisping bread.
Gave permission, made wishes come true.
Red split peas often cooked into winter soups.
There are nine __ in a major league baseball game.
Sticky liquid worn to style and control the hair.
Video-sharing website founded in 2005.
Manufactured timber material used in furniture.
Puzzle 12
Santa is said to enter homes down them.
What you will be from stretching and yoga.
Mila Kunis starred in 2008's Forgetting Sarah __.
He lives under children's beds.
Freestanding storage for headwear.
Puzzle 13
Forest hut made from cut timber.
An active volcano spewing out lava is __.
Fair that travels or Rio parade.
Great ape movie, original with Jessica Lange.
Mammal known for devouring picnic pests.
Plunging airplane in a headfirst drop.
Type of conflict, occurred in 1914-18 and 1939-45.
Puzzle 14
Sports equipment that can be woods or irons.
Someone who compiles things, e.g. stamps.
Bacteria, viruses, parasites can cause this.
Typical business meeting greeting action.
High schoolers want to dance in this US 80s movie.
Feeding platform to attract feathered visitors.
Puzzle 15
Orange root vegetable preferred by bunnies.
Basket style made from weaving twigs.
Materials that are not liquids or gasses.
Marilyn Monroe was a famous __ bombshell.
Buzzwords, language particular to an industry.
Sports champions get awarded this metal cup.
With space inside, e.g. an empty tree trunk.
Puzzle 16
Construction site vehicle for moving soil.
Big Mac or Whopper, for example.
Means of getting from A to B; any vehicle.
Where horses or humans run in circles.
Wooden household items, such as chairs or tables.
What a syringe might be used to deliver.
Puzzle 17
Small sticks for lighting fires.
Guacamole ingredient with a bumpy dark skin.
Part of a phone that's charged.
Blood sucking creature of the night.
Place for the display or sale of works of art.
Puzzle 18
Rope battle with people pulling on either end.
Professional social media networking site.
This warranty gives more time for things to break.
Lumps of carbon used in barbecue cooking.
Small tubes of pasta that go with cheese sauce.
Contortionists and trapeze artists, athletically.
Puzzle 19
Wooden markers on Christian graves.
Flaming lanterns, once used in castles.
Adding sugary sheen to doughnuts.
Single-use knives and forks are made from this.
Puzzle 20
A __ of posies; Ring Around The Rosie flowers.
Panel at the sleeping end of a bed.
Seaside habitats only accessible at low tide.
Magnetic material for recording TV, old technology.
Rows of spectators' benches at a baseball game.
Dates when assignments are due.