CodyCross Tough Things Pack answers

Tough Things PackTough Things

Here are the answers to CodyCross Tough Things Pack. If you need help with any specific puzzle leave your comment below.


Puzzle 1

Maturing, becoming an adult.

A curved missile thrown by Aboriginal Australians.

Tall shoes from the 70s.

Shakespeare's mother's name.

Get back in touch with an old friend.

Areas with many trees.

Suri's famous father.

One of a car's main illuminators.

Take care of, mind.

Metallic cylindrical container for soft beverages.

Handheld fireworks waved at New Year.

Exercise: stand on a step and lift/lower heels.

Puzzle 2

"Don't believe me, just watch", __ Funk.

Employers, managers.

To choose not to participate.

What a director says to start a scene.

As stubborn as a canine.

Art and model-making activities.

Last part of a story.

Taking long, tiring treks on countryside trails.

Sweet canary on look out for "putty tat".

Native of Hamburg or Frankfurt, for example.

Beauty equipment for getting a tan.

Cute, good looking.

Heavy wooden hammer.

To want something or someone.

Puzzle 3

__ of Alcatraz, whose real name was Robert Stroud.

Sweet, thick paste to cover cakes.

Anti-__ cream, to help ward of facial lines.

__ test; checks the skills of a learner motorist.

A type of diary, often filled with lots of detail.

Making something different, making __ to it.

Construction site safety headgear.

Official songs for nations.

Places of work for white-collar staff.

A washing one does laundry.

"Warm" or "kind" way to end an email.

Someone who never thinks of other people.

Puzzle 4

Medical procedure undertaken by a surgeon.

Metal jazz wind instrument with keys.

People from Ghana.

A list or schedule, for school lessons or trains.


Romantic letters.

Present or occurring everywhere.

Heavy-bottomed skillet for searing food.

Hot __, Easter treat, one or two a penny.

Crocodile's cousin.

A person who adorns interiors.

Middle 24 hours of the working week.

Puzzle 5

Genre for which Stephen King is famous.

__ trail; outdoor walk to look at trees and birds.

Beers, cocktails, mocktails, juices.

Gratitude, appreciation, gratefulness.

__ your tongue; staying quiet, not speaking out.

John Maynard, demand-side economist.

Not married or with a partner.

The Italian word for "ice cream".

Brings down.


It protects your hearing organ.

Aviation professionals who fly jets.

Past tense of fight.

A vital component of cars, bikes and busses.

Geographical area or district.

Making the sound of a cow.

Truthful, not prone to lying.

Puzzle 6

A large and showy luxury car from General Motors.

Very happy and chilled out.

All the war tools.

Jumping competition for ponies.

Blitzed-up fruit served as a drink.

Chemical compounds found in rocks, e.g. quartz.

Focusing on minor details, eg small grammar errors.

Markups of content or theme on social networks.


Often stubbed, can be painted.

Learning, completing schoolwork.

This Ugly animal turns into a swan in a fairy tale.

Public musical performances.

Bad headache with associated sickness.

Regions rules by the monarchy.

Puzzle 7

Nip from an adder or a beer-cider mixed drink.

Where lessons are given in a school.

Glues or other sticky substances.

Hard hexagonal cells made by bees.

Opening something with a key.

Electricity sourced from revolving turbines.

Name of Elvis Presley's house.


She had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick.

Opposite of play it safe, make predictable choices.

Puzzle 8

__ discs, or CDs.

Collection of pictures or models placed on show.

Freddy, long-fingered monster that haunts dreams.

Arachnids that spin strong webs.

A truck with no sides for easy loading.

Turns upside down.

Building from which books can be borrowed.

Popular yellow Pokémon.

A type of bean used in baked beans.

Word on a doormat that invites visitors in.

Heavy lump of rock.

Customer feedback on products purchased.

Huge, luxurious home.

These are useful for reverting pencil mistakes.

Strikes; ambushes.

Puzzle 9

Very tall bird that can't fly.

Become hard or rigid.

Got the ball off another player in football.

Someone whose husband or wife has died is this.

Take clothes off at bedtime.

Suction cup on a stick, for unblocking a toilet.

Material made from raw cattle hide.

One who flees imprisonment.

Acetylsalicylic acid.

Desiring something from a genie.

Roald Dahl's story about a young gifted girl.

Mr. Peck, an American actor.

World's highest peak; tough challenge for climbers.

Prosecco with peach purée or juice.

Puzzle 10

Griddled rectangle of sweet batter.

Third-place medal metal.

Not casual; smart dress code.


Sharp-edged tool for cutting stone surfaces.

Keeping money without spending it.

Pranks, practical jokes.

Small, inflatable boat for recreation.

__ Magiswords, the ideal warriors for hire cartoon.


Eggs and bunnies abound at this time.

McDonald's is under the Golden ones.


They pump blood.

Female Collie has been in film, TV and radio.

Puzzle 11

Short back __, haircut delivered to the troops.

Scientific classification for the common toad.

Hard building material made from cement and sand.

Most famous cartoon resident of Jellystone Park.

Attempt at conquest, like the Normans in 1066.

Feeling dumb? You're not playing with one of these.

Rising warm air currents; gliders use them to fly.

Disease that can be caused by lack of insulin.

Not sitting.

Substance that provides sustenance or nourishment.

Something that prevents you from making progress.

Having great worth.

Looked around new territory.

The __ Showman, P. T. Barnum musical.

__ Syne; traditional song sung on New Year's Eve.

If you thought something but you were wrong.

Puzzle 12

Comes back again, reappears.

Measure of electrical power.

Sticking to a healthy eating regime.

Went against someone's opinion.

Stud or hoop.

A famous brand of paper tissues.

__ Jones's Baby, diary-based movie sequel.

A fabric bed that hangs between trees.

Bad tempered, grumpy.

Ship that sank in 1912.

Space __, rocket launched into space.

Nelly, who sings Give It To Me with Timbaland.

Cross __; running sport through natural landscapes.

Commanded food.

Published in a book, magazine or newspaper.

Puzzle 13

Cover-ups worn by chefs.

The Netherlands is known for these flowers.

Electronic reading materials.


Big top where clowns and jugglers are found.

The same as rare.

Opposite of winning, being defeated.


__ Green, Scottish destination for elopers.

Warmed up, like hair curlers.

Wild playing cards that are jesters.

Tools for making holes in hard surfaces.

Financial professional.

Bird that collects shiny things.

Puzzle 14

Glossy newspaper with illustrated articles.

Periods of dry weather, especially in Africa.

World __ Day marks birthdays of the Baden-Powells.

Mellifluous avian.

Being the least heavy.

Moving on one's hands and knees.

Not required.

Arrow's maker.

Athletic event with a bar to clear.

Inability to sleep.

Typical weather conditions after the summer.

Type of fruity boiled sweet or pastel for crayons.

Mrs. Aniston, Rachel Green from Friends.

Sticky and viscous, from the sap of a tree.

Grand, ornamental water feature.

Indulged, catered to someone's every whim.

Nasal holes.

Early settler of the original 13.

Term served in a prison.

Don't make a __ out of a molehill.

Puzzle 15

Hard outer edges of a loaf of bread.

Substances such as gold, tin, iron and copper.

A person who practices or studies legal matters.

Soothe a baby, make it calm and peaceful.

You'll __ back, like a rubber ball.


Appliance that keeps food cool and fresh.

__ Alley, Harry Potter street with wizarding shops.

Socks made from __ wool (panda food) are soft.

Jason Donovan hit, Any Dream __.

Located a short distance away.

Running races with baton transfers.

Straight hair with ringlets has been __.

Puzzle 16

Not deeply.

Keyboard key with left-facing arrow.

Device that flies a plane instead of the crew.

Large grey mammals with tough, wrinkled skin.

Kiefer Sutherland's character on 24.

Fast ballroom dance.

Large storage building.

Lunar illumination; secretly have a second job.

__ silence, kids keeping quiet for charity.

Exercise machine for running indoors.

Classic story of princes and princesses.

A bird in the hand is worth two __.

Puzzle 17

Riding a bike.

What is actually happening, true life.

Time of day that coffee makes it easier to face.

Muddy pools of water.

In need of water.

One more; e.g. take __ apple: take one more apple.

You might give or receive a bouquet of these.

Gone in 60 __, movie about car thieves.

Ninja __; TV show with challenging obstacle course.

__ around, being silly.

The end of a marriage.

Biblical swarming insects that eat crops.

To have power over; to influence.

Dried grapes.

Puzzle 18

The religious T in OT and NT.

Die-cast cars with flame logo.

Being turned down, opposite of acceptance.

Italian unifier and a British dead-fly biscuit.

Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could __.

Globe shaped.

Strong metal arc for an equine's foot.

Beach or pool attendant sitting on a high stool.

Holding for questioning.


Suddenly fell down.

Puzzle 19

Heating tube or panel found in a house.

Choice that you make your mind up about.

Driving big rigs.

Tight, stretchy trousers worn for leisure.

Expecting a baby.


Mary Poppins song, A __ of Sugar.

Tone of the hares in Guess How Much I Love You.

Unequally, in a biased way.

High-speed European road.

Crunchy frozen blocks for keeping drinks cool.

Sitcom and surname of comedian Jerry.

Prays to or praises a god.

Puzzle 20

This is put on the head to keep locks back.

Return to good health after illness.

Latin term in prayers, "my own fault".

A place to buy reading materials.

Father of the Theory of Relativity.

Type of rabbit, trips over its own appendages.

Reports about a positive happening.

Level of moisture in the air.

Awfully, really badly.

Jonas Brothers starred in this 2008 Disney movie.

Reduction in price to attract consumers.

Finger joints.

__ Through The Grapevine; 1968 Marvin Gaye hit.

Wooden window screens.

British monarch from 1837 to 1901.

Request for another's hand in marriage.

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